From inspiration to conversion and loyalty

When Experius, founded in 2008 by Peter van der Reijden, was transforming from a webshop developer to a business partner in eCommerce, it needed an improved proposition, corporate identity, and a new corporate website.

In cooperation with the sales and marketing team (Growth) a plan of approach was made.


Positioning is where it starts. This is the foundation of the brand. What makes you unique? By understanding what your brand stands for and what sets it apart, we provide direction on how you present the brand externally and internally.

  1. Why: why does your organization exist?
  2. How: what is your distinguishing capacity?
  3. What: what products and/or services do you sell?

As a strategic eCommerce agency, they are right at the heart of your business: generating turnover by selling products and services. They know the best and most successful way to do this online.

They help you to present your product range and brand to your customers in a convincing way, they set up the technology for this and they organize it in such a way that your customer gets the best experience at every moment of his online customer journey.

Mental brand identity

The mental elements that make up the brand create the right associations in the minds of your (potential) customers. Internally we give the right direction to the behavior of your employees. Also called: the brand DNA.

  • Brand vision: your vision of the market and the desired position of the brand therein.
  • Brand mission: the internal assignment to realize the brand vision together.
  • Brand values: what makes the brand valuable to the customer and what they can identify with.
  • Brand personality: the character and archetype of the brand.
  • Brand promise: the summary of the brand in one sentence.

Great Place to Work: For our team and our customers, we are a great place to work. Self-steering, freedom, and personal development are paramount for our people.

Customer Value: Cooperation is what it says: working together. Not “you ask we serve”, but critical to how we are going to achieve the best result. For you and your customers.

Doing good: We stand by each other, our fellow man, and the environment. We support charities, help disadvantaged groups and promote sustainability internally.

Visual Brand Identity

Visual identity is the visual translation of mental identity. It is a cohesive ensemble of the logo, typography, color, shapes, images, and even the interior of your store or office. A clearly established brand identity (visual and mental) makes it easier to make design choices. It helps customers recognize and understand your brand more easily. This way you create an emotional connection with your target group. Together we look at where the shoe pinches: does the brand need a visual overhaul or can we make it fresh, modern, and consistent by tightening up a few things?

Our team understands e-commerce, branding, marketing automation, product information management, and everything else involved in digital commerce. From A to Z, a mix of strategy, organization, and technology.

In our network, we have partners with their own specialty in each field. And all these specialists are proactive and think along with you.

Co-creation of a brand

Working together to develop a distinctive brand identity. Through interactive sessions, in which we use insights into the target group, the organization, and the market to sharpen the brand elements or establish them. Visual translation to online: the corporate website. A new interpretation of the content and online campaigns. Together we make the right impact at any moment so that your target group experiences exactly what your distinctive value is.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Mental Brand Identity
  • Visual Brand Identity
  • On- and Offline Style Guide
  • Photography Inspiration
  • Prototype Website
  • Design System

What’s your next project?

Something made you curious enough to arrive at this page. Maybe you’d like to learn more about Branding, Creative Direction, Design Sprints, Design System, eCommerce, Prototyping, Service Design, Strategy and/or UI/UX Design. I would just love to hear more about you and the challenges you’re facing. What is your ultimate goal? Where do you want to go? I’m ready to help you get there!

Feel free to get in touch! Please reach out and I will get back to you swiftly.





